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User Documentation » Payment Login » Making Payments

Making Payments

When you’ve completed your trial and want to start purchasing licenses, you’ll need to convert your account to a fully paid subscription. Before you do this, ensure you have the correct quantity and details for all your required users.  You can check and update user accounts by selecting ‘Settings’ and ‘User Accounts’. If you need to disable any accounts you used only for testing, do this by unticking the ‘Is Active’ box and saving accordingly.  If not, your Clinic-Assist account will assume any ‘Active’ user is required and will use this detail to complete your initial license total.

Next, select the ‘About’ option from the bottom right corner of the page followed by ‘Purchase now’.  This will redirect you to the payment portal (



If your trial has expired, you will be presented with an option to transfer to the payment portal.  Select this option.

The Payment Portal

This process assumes you are the individual responsible for the clinic finances.  Login in to the payment portal with the same credentials as your primary Clinic-Assist account.


Once logged in, select the ‘Upgrade Account’ option where you will be presented with the ‘Converting Your Trial Account’ information page.  Read carefully to confirm the details are correct and when satisfied, select to agree to the terms & conditions.

Select ‘Upgrade Account’ once more to proceed to the card payment screen and enter your details accordingly.

Adding Additional Licenses

The total license costs are calculated automatically each month by reviewing the number of active users in your Clinic-Assist account.  This automatically adjusts the monthly subscription total and your recurring monthly payment accordingly.  You control your licenses (the number of active users) from the main Clinic-Assist application (settings/user accounts) and not the payment portal.

Changing payment card details.

When you need to change your payment card details, log in to the payment portal and select ‘Payment Method’ from the left column, followed by ‘Change Card’


Card details are stored by the external payment portal service provider ‘Sage Pay’ and not Clinic-Assist.  This process will simply place the payment on hold and send you a reminder on the 1st of the subsequent month to ‘Pay by card’.  See ‘Making payments’.


Making payments

If you have been sent a reminder to ‘Pay by card’, or you have defaulted on payments and your Clinic-Assist account has been locked, you will need to make a payment.  Log in to the payment portal and select ‘Payment Method’ from the left column, followed by ‘Pay by card’.


When the next recurring payment is due, the last card detail that was successfully used within SagPay will be used to collect payment.